12 September, 2007

glorious fare

if the regions of lazio and campagnia do nothing to satiate one’s hunger for modernity, they will certainly satiate one’s appetite. food in italy transcends its prim definition as a noun and transforms into a boundless verb: dancing, singing, teasing the palate. produce winks as you pass, entreating your attention. aromas linger and mingle – basilico and tomato, lemon and fig, red wine and parmigiano, all intoxicating and inviting. markets offer staples of honey, olives, tomatoes and cheese and also provide the seemingly exotic: north african cactus pear (which to my great pleasure grows throughout campagnia by the side of the road!) italians are fastidious about their culinary choices; the youngest is able to discern varieties of tomatoes, peaches and cheeses and as a result, foodstuff is exemplary.

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